FAQ-Medicare Enrollment

Medicare Enrollment FAQ’s Q: How can a healthcare provider apply for and obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI)? A: A healthcare provider may apply for an NPI in one of three ways: Apply through a web-based application process. The website to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) is https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov Give permission for an Electronic…

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FAQ-Medicare Provider Opt-Out

Medicare Provider Options FAQ’s Q: Do I have to enroll in Medicare, or can I see Medicare Beneficiaries (patients) on a cash basis? A: Chiropractors are in a group of three types of providers that cannot “opt out” of enrolling with Medicare. According to the Mandatory Claims Submission Rule you are required to bill Medicare for covered…

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Opting Out is Not an Option

Chiropractors Singled-Out When it Comes to Medicare Enrollment We are often asked why chiropractors must bill for covered chiropractic manipulative treatment (CMT) services delivered to a Medicare patient. Why are chiropractors singled out and required to have a Medicare enrollment number in order to treat Medicare patients while other types of practitioners are allowed to…

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Mandatory Medicare Enrollment for Chiropractors

Chiropractors are among the only types of providers who may not opt-out of Medicare Part B and treat Medicare patients without billing Medicare for the services. This means that to provide any service, covered or not, the provider must be properly enrolled in Medicare Part B. Sadly, many providers circumvent this rule and see Medicare…

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Medicare Quick Web References

Download Reference Document The Medicare and associated MAC website are a wealth of information for the practice. This Reference Document provides a list of the most common sites billing departments and providers should be aware of. Download and review it and then save it with your Medicare training materials. Medicare Quick Web References

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Medicare Coverage Documents

Some of the most important information about Medicare coverage, billing, coding and documentation is found in the Local Coverage Documents and Articles supplied by Medicare. They are also listed on the MAC’s website and allow you to navigate to the coverage database for the latest information on these requirements. Review these two brief trainings and…

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