The 2021 E/M Changes

 E/M Changes Chiropractors use the E/M codes to evaluate new patients, new conditions on established patients, new injuries, and periodic re-evaluations. Some doctors settle in on one or two codes and use them all the time. In 2021, the healthcare community saw the biggest changes to E/M Office Visit codes since 1997. This change gives…

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The 2021 Evaluation and Management (E/M) Changes

Out With the Old The great news is here, out with the old and in with the new! Evaluation and Management coding requirements and selection changed in early 2021.  The importance of code selection has not changed but how the provider arrives to it has changed quite a bit.  These changes were designed, in-part, to…

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Delegating Services to Ancillary Personnel

Who Can I Delegate Services to? Delegating services to unlicensed individuals within a practice can be a very gray area and is often misunderstood by health professionals nationwide. The requirements set by the state where you practice determine who is allowed to provide services under the direction of the licensed DC. There are also circumstances…

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Therapy-Modality Cheat Sheet

Download Support Tool Supportive Therapies are a great addition to the primary Chiropractic Adjustment. Sometimes, these therapies are the primary or only therapeutic procedure delivered to the patient during a routine visit. Documentation requirements by various regulating bodies or payors detail the specific information needed for these therapies. This page is a printable tool illustrating…

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Documenting Ancillary Services in Routine Office Visit Notes

Necessary Documentation in Routine Daily Visit Note Daily visit notes reflect the services ordered in the treatment plan based on the initial visit findings. It includes recommendations for both the primary service, Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT), and all ancillary services like therapies and active treatments. Every service you render during a routine office visit must…

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The Benefits of Administrative Discharge

This is a great video from the Help Desk where Kathy teaches us how to tie up loose ends in patient management and documentation when the patient has not finished their active treatment. The patient seemingly dropped out of care without communicating the reason for doing so.  We use the term Administrative Discharge when closing…

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