Incident Reporting

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of a compliant incident reporting process. The investigation process requires the clinic to ask questions, gather data and assess risk. This leads to documenting the offense, assigning corrective actions and implementing training.  Use this tutorial to assess your current process for incident reporting and take note of…

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Respond & Report

Do Not Ignore Offenses It is important that a clinic not only complete thorough audits but also prepare corrective actions if warranted. In some cases, the corrective action requires additional reporting to authorities and/or immediate legal action. An offense can be as simple as an employee not abiding by the code of conduct. And it…

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OIG Implementation Task 7

Audits allow the compliance officer to keep a finger on the pulse when it comes to compliance activities. At this point of the OIG implementation training, you will learn about self-auditing by shadowing the KMC University Specialist as they use a variety of auditing tools. Guidance on the Auditing Process For you and the Specialist…

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Types of Audits

This training provides a high-level view of the self-audit process and its importance. It also offers a basic description of the three types of self-audits; documentation, coding and explanation of benefits. Auditing is the central hub on the wheel of identifying risk to your compliance program. Although the assigned KMC University Compliance Specialist will be…

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OIG Implementation Task 6

Informing Workforce Members As you begin to create and implement policies, it is important to explain to workforce members the consequences of ignoring the rules. An owner/operator or provider is required to build a compliance program that includes educating and training staff on the policies. Once implemented, the owner/operator is equally responsible for enforcing the…

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Rules & Enforcement

Establishing Rules Continuing with the core elements of an effective compliance program, disciplinary guidelines is a vital step. These guidelines are intended to be part of office policy so that everyone knows the rules and the consequences for failing to follow them. The key to creating disciplinary guidelines is to be clear, consistent and current….

Oops, your level of membership doesn’t include access to these advanced materials. They are reserved for members working directly with our OIG compliance specialists. Please reach out to the HelpDesk to learn more about accessing these materials. Click here to learn more.