Reviewing Current Policies

Start With What You Have The Office Compliance Program is an ongoing process, not a one-time production of a manual. Part of this process is to review current policies and procedures and decide if they accomplish the intended goals—to ensure you are operating your office in a compliant manner. Most doctors have some policies and…

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Policy, Process, Procedure

This Rapid Tutorial will focus on  areas that are often overlooked when developing policies in the clinic. Once a clinic has established the rules, they need to take it a step further and create a process for following the rules. Once an overview of the process is established, the clinic will need to develop step-…

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The Three Ps of Compliance

Policy-Process-Procedure Although policies are a foundational piece of compliance, very few people can clearly describe the differences between policies, processes, and procedures. When it comes to compliance, some practices simply download policies from a website, slap their name on it, and hope for the best. Taking this approach can put your practice at greater risk…

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The Office of Inspector (OIG) General Exclusions Program

Is Your Staff Excluded? The OIG has the authority to exclude individuals and entities from federally funded health care programs pursuant to sections 1128 and 1156 of the Social Security Act. It maintains a list of all of those currently excluded from the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE). Anyone that hires an individual…

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Compliance Officer Duties

This tutorial gives a clinic the opportunity to review the compliance officer duties and confirm that all matters of compliance are being addressed. Some clinics will find that the compliance officer may have focused on only one portion of compliance and as a result overlooked other required components. Use this tutorial as a checklist for…

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What It Takes to Be a Compliance Officer

Living Up to the Job Title The terms Compliance Officer (CO), Privacy Officer (Official), and Security Officer (Official) are terms referred to in the discussion of compliance. One or more workforce members may fill these roles. In a smaller practice, outside people may fulfill the roles while a large hospital might have more than one…

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