OIG Implementation Task 5

Implementing Training in the Clinic This will be one of the most robust implementation task assigned thus far. Be sure to carve out time to review each and every implementation step listed below. This page houses an OIG Training tutorial that the entire workforce team should be required to view as well as important resources…

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Team Training & Administrative Time

Carve Out Time for Your Team One of the biggest impediments to progress and momentum in a practice is that we are so BUSY with patients that there is little time left for working on the practice, for training team members, and for basic administrative work. The big disconnect that exists in many offices is…

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Employee Orientation

Start Off on the Right Foot Investing time to establish a solid foundation with workforce members is worth every penny or minute. Listed below are few benefits of conducting a proper new employee orientation: It gets your new team member started on productive activity. It ensures that new employees get accurate information. Coworkers do not…

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OIG Implementation Task 4

This course provides a quick introduction to different ways to increase interoffice communication. Depending on the setup in your clinic and/or practice management software features, make it a goal to implement one of the suggested forms of communication in the clinic. Schedule It Set a time each morning for the morning huddle. Communicate to all…

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The Art of the Stand-Up Meeting

Stay Connected In a busy chiropractic practice, it is easy for team members to zero in on the tasks that comprise their own job descriptions, the patients at hand, and other tunnel-vision type activities. Keeping supervisors and doctors informed and reporting important events as they happen can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. These quick…

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The Daily Huddle

Off to a Great Start Every patient and employee notice and appreciate when an office is well-run, and communication is strong. When an office is well-run and communication is strong, it is noticed and appreciated by every patient and employee. It is important to discuss your daily patient load, any issues that may arise during…

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