Ethics and Boundaries in the Chiropractic Clinic

Boundaries provide the framework for healthy and appropriate provider-patient relationships. Ethics are built upon human values such as respect, responsibility, and integrity. Safeguarding ethics in the workplace allows supervisors and workforce members to maintain respectable boundaries. Ethics and boundaries protect both the provider and the patients. Once you have viewed the tutorial, download the Reference…

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Treatment Types and Tools for the Chiropractic Clinic

One way a CA can assist someone on the journey to a pain free life is by having a solid understanding of the techniques and tools the doctor utilizes during a treatment plan. This portion of the module will provide an overview of the variety of treatment options. As a CA, it is important that…

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Chiropractic Myth Busters

Common Myths As a Chiropractic Assistant, you may encounter individuals who have some misconceptions about chiropractic. There are myths circulating that give people the wrong impression about our industry. We have summarized some of the most common myths here so you can tactfully correct the individual. Myth #1 The AMA and MDs do not like…

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Doctor of Chiropractic Education & Qualifications

The Chiropractic Education Process Whether this is your first exposure to the chiropractic profession or not, it is important that you know the facts about the doctor of chiropractic’s (DC) education and qualifications. Unfortunately, over the years chiropractors have taken a verbal beating from the medical community. Although time has proven the important role they…

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Chiropractic Anatomy & Terms

Basic Chiropractic Terminology As with any healthcare profession, there is a ‘language’ to be learned by all those who work with a treating physician. Even if you have a general knowledge of the medical field, chiropractic has some less common terms that must be mastered to be successful as a CA. Although we mentioned many…

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The First Chiropractic Visit

What to Expect at Your First Chiropractic Visit Most patients do not know what to expect at their first appointment with a Doctor of Chiropractic. This helpful video is provided by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). It presents the basics of what happens on a first visit, in an easy-to-understand format.

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