General Compliance Training

Compliance is never one-and-done. It is a slow and steady process that may require some ‘do-overs’ and revisions. This tutorial is a 25,000 overview of different types of compliance. Your clinic may be in the process of installing and implementing select portions of compliance. Please keep this in mind as you review the resources and…

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OIG Core Elements

OIG Compliance Program Elements The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) made Office Compliance Programs mandatory for all physician practices as a condition of enrollment in Medicare, Medicaid, and/or CHIP. These compliance programs must address certain core elements.1 The core elements are derived from the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for an effective compliance…

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Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FWA)

An Overview of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse These are terms that healthcare providers hear from third-party payers and government program agencies. Most third-party payers require some form of FWA training on an initial and annual basis for all employees of healthcare businesses. As part of a viable Compliance Program, this training is constantly updated and…

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OIG vs HIPAA Compliance – An Overview

You could call OIG and HIPAA close cousins. They do have some similarities, but they are completely different programs. This tutorial will provide a side-by-side comparison of what they have in common and how they differ.

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What You Need to Know There is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the differences between an OIG Compliance program and a HIPAA Compliance program. Although every practice has the right to develop its own unique plan to suit its size and services, a clinic cannot choose one over the other. An effective office compliance…

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HIPAA Training Reference Documents

Download Reference Documents The following resources provide an overview of the key aspects of HIPAA privacy. Please download these resources and keep them as a reference. You will want to view each one prior to completing the self-assessment for this module, as the content is considered part of the training. HIPAA Administrative Simplification

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