Vocal Presence

Pitch, Pace, Power, Pause The way you use your voice can enhance your message and influence how it is received over the phone. Since so much of our world is digital and visual, vocal presence is not often practiced. In this part of the training we will explore the nuances of vocal presence for both…

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Telephone Etiquette

The Do’s & Dont’s Proper telephone etiquette is very important when receiving or making calls for your clinic. You are ultimately an extension of your clinic; leaving a favorable impression with a caller over the phone is imperative for a positive clinic/patient relationship. DO DON’T Pause before answering the phone; be prepared to give the…

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General Phone Skills & Etiquette

First Impressions Matter the Most First impressions are often lasting impressions. This tutorial provides helpful tips and tricks for handling phone calls within the clinic. Once you review the tutorial, make time to meet with your supervisor to review your phone system and settings. Locate the helpful scripting tool within this module and download a…

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Compliance Reference Documents

Download Reference Documents Additional information on OIG compliance is available. Feel free to download these resources and add them to your training folder as a reference. OIG Portfolio OIG Roadmap OIG Compliance For Individual and Small Group Physician Practices Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevent, Detect Report

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OSHA Compliance

Safety for Healthcare Workers The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an organization established by the United States Department of Labor. The goal of OSHA is to help ensure the health and safety of workforce members for most industries (including healthcare).  OSHA is an essential component of compliance that must be properly implemented in…

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Financial Compliance

Keep an Eye on Financial Compliance Most financial compliance violations are the result of good intentions combined with lack of understanding. While not intended to be an all-inclusive, we will consider some of the relevant areas of concern. Dual Fee Schedules A “dual fee schedule” is defined as charging a group or insurance company more…

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