Rapid Solutions
Your problem-focused questions, answered on-demand…in under 10 minutes
Different Types of Medicare Coverage
Seamless and simple Medicare reimbursement starts with understanding the options and plans you’re working with.
Chiropractic Billing & Medicare
If you struggle with when to bill Medicare and when the patient is responsible for treatment, this Rapid Solution can help you sort it all out.
Medicare Enrollment a Must for DCs
Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can require your Medicare patients to pay cash and avoid enrollment.
Participating vs Non-Participating Status in Medicare
When properly enrolled in Medicare, providers choose their status as either Participating or Non-Participating.
What is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary?
This tutorial discusses an important compliance related topic that impacts all clinics that accept and treat Medicare beneficiaries.
QMB-Beware When Collecting from Medicare Patients
Take a moment to learn about this very important federal requirement.
The Dos and Don’ts of the Medicare ABN
Take 10 minutes to learn the difference and how to establish a compliant ABN process in your clinic.
Medicare Modifier Mastery
The magic is in the modifiers, and this Rapid Solution gives you all the quick answers you need.
How to Avoid Medicare Part C Pitfalls
Working directly with providers in assisting them with Medicare compliance requirements, we have found areas of great concern in the billing process.
Medical Necessity in Medicare
Review these resources to learn the difference between covered care and that care for which the patient should be held financially responsible.
PART Documentation in Medicare
This Rapid Solution will provide an overview of P.A.R.T. and how to properly document it in the patient's chart.
Medicare Charge and Fee Rules
Spend some time with this Rapid Solution to come up to speed about the rules of fees.
Charging for Medicare Maintenance Care
Review the resources in this Rapid Solution to learn more about how to properly bill and charge patients when they are under maintenance care.
Managing Medicare Overpayments
Because Medicare requirements are so stringent, pay close attention to the material in this Rapid Solutions.
Medicare Verification of Benefits
Since the introduction of Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplemental and Secondary Insurance coverage, providers must now take steps to determine exactly what type of coverage each Medicare patient has.
An Overview of Medicare Appeals
Making sure you get the money you have earned and that you deserve is what this Rapid Solution is all about.
Medicare as Secondary Payer
Knowing Which Payer is Primary and Which is Secondary Keeps You Compliant