Different Types of Medicare Coverage
Seamless and simple Medicare reimbursement starts with understanding the options and plans you’re working with.
Chiropractic Billing & Medicare
If you struggle with when to bill Medicare and when the patient is responsible for treatment, this Rapid Solution can help you sort it all out.
Medicare Enrollment a Must for DCs
Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can require your Medicare patients to pay cash and avoid enrollment.
Participating vs Non-Participating Status in Medicare
When properly enrolled in Medicare, providers choose their status as either Participating or Non-Participating.
What is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary?
This tutorial discusses an important compliance related topic that impacts all clinics that accept and treat Medicare beneficiaries.
QMB-Beware When Collecting from Medicare Patients
Take a moment to learn about this very important federal requirement.
Documentation & Coding
Proper Coding For Full Spine Adjusting
This Rapid Solution will examine the compliant way to code and document for full spine adjusting.
Maintenance Coding
When treatment is no longer considered medically necessary but still needs to be reported to payers, determine if it is most appropriate to use a maintenance diagnosis code, procedure code, or append a modifier.
The Re-Evaluation Conundrum
Re-evaluations, when used properly, strengthen your patient care compliance and increase your ability to prove medical necessity for care.
Medical Necessity vs. Clinical Appropriateness
The best way to advocate for the benefits your patients are entitled to is to understand the definitions of medical necessity and clinical appropriateness and to learn how to document these services correctly.
MRP What it Means
It is important to know the policy and play by the rules of the plan in accordance to your contract with the payer to ensure proper claim payment.
Documentation and Coding for Dry Needling
Medical necessity requires that the patient’s history and exam findings indicate the patient is suffering from some type of injury or condition that has resulted in myofascial trigger points, reduced range of motion, decreased strength, and/or pain.
Practice Finances
Coding Edits & Chiropractic Billing
Is your reimbursement process a victim of code edit changes from a payer? This quick tutorial will help a provider to be reimbursed for what they do.
Why Insurance Verification?
Many offices view insurance verification as a time-waster, but in actuality, it can save an office from many problems down the road.
Improving Over the Counter Collections
This quick tutorial offers an overview of the process, tips, and tricks to improve over the counter collections.
No Surprises Act- Good Faith Estimate
Do you have self-pay patients in your clinic? Are you offering a Good Faith Estimate? If you answered No, to the last question, check out the overview and helpful resources in this quick tutorial.
Time of Service Prompt Pay Discounts
This Rapid Solution explains what the OIG believes is a fair discount and the correct way to apply it to patient balances.
What is a Contracted Discount?
This Rapid Solution outlines the most significant things to be aware of when considering if a contracted fee is right for your practice.
What is OIG Compliance?
This lesson will bring a basic understanding of what it means to have an effective OIG Compliance program and why it is so important to take the time to install one.
No Surprises Act- Good Faith Estimate
Although portions apply to out of network providers, there are select portions that apply to in-network providers and cash-based clinics.
Can You Spot PHI?
It is important that you and your staff truly understand what Protected Health Information (PHI) is so that you can implement safeguards and protections and avoid a HIPAA violation.
Do I Need a BAA?
Many contacts could be considered a Business Associate by HIPAA. Find out what this might mean for your clinic.
Are Sign-In Sheets HIPAA Compliant?
This Rapid Solution outlines all the important information you need to properly implement a compliant sign-in sheet in your practice.
The Required Annual Risk Assessment
A HIPAA Security Risk Assessment is not optional, despite the fact that an estimated 8 of 10 practices haven't conducted one for their HIPAA program, or haven't kept up with the annual updates.
Business Essentials
Fee-for-Time Compensation (Locum Tenens)
In order to be compliant, you should know the ins and outs of what is referred to as Fee-for-Time Compensation (aka Locum Tenens). This Rapid Solution covers the basics and provides important coding information.
Cash Profit Centers
This Rapid Solution provides a quick overview of some of the more common profit centers used in many practices. Review to see how you might benefit from some of these options.
Delegating Services – Types & Circumstances
This Rapid Solution provides an overview of important steps to consider for compliant delegation of services to team members.
The Secrets to Better Time Management
This Rapid Solution outlines the most important steps of task identification, layout of a schedule, and the inner workings of the day-to-day responsibilities of chiropractic team members.
Documentation and Coding for Dry Needling
Medical necessity requires that the patient’s history and exam findings indicate the patient is suffering from some type of injury or condition that has resulted in myofascial trigger points, reduced range of motion, decreased strength, and/or pain.
The New Patient Phone Call
They say you only get one chance to make a first impression. This Rapid Solution outlines the high points of this important call and demonstrates use of the NP Phone Call Form.