Navigating Medicare Enrollment: Essential Tips for Chiropractors

Whether it’s revalidations, address changes, or updates, we’ve got you covered. Don’t let these details slip. Let us help you navigate Medicare enrollment. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This content is meant for members. We’d love to help you come under our umbrella of care and protection with…

HelpDesk FAQs

Let’s Find Your 2024 Medicare Fee Schedule

Our HelpDesk has been overwhelmed with questions about finding the new fee schedule for your Medicare Part B questions. KMC University to the rescue! This short training will both tell you and show you the quickest way to get the numbers you need. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance….

HelpDesk FAQs

Did You Receive a Comparative Billing Report from Medicare?

Has Yours Arrived Yet? The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contracts with Reli, an external contractor, to provide these CBRs for providers of all kinds. They are landing in providers’ offices in February and March this year. So now what? We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement and compliance. This…

HelpDesk FAQs

ICD-10 Changes Effective October 1, 2022

Great news! Not a lot of changes to worry about this year, but an important few are highlighted in this Help Desk video by KMC. Check it out for what you need to know in order to be up to date with the new codes. We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on important changes, updates, and news that can affect their reimbursement…

HelpDesk FAQs

Daily, Routine Office Visits: Documentation Lite!

In this helpful video, KMC addresses the most common questions we get about what goes in the documentation for an ROV. She explains what auditors are looking for in this documentation, and as usual, makes it easy to understand and to duplicate. Watch this short explanatory video and watch the documentation of ROVs in your practice go from good to great! We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes…

HelpDesk FAQs

Medicare Part C/Advantage Plans Have Rules—Please Follow Them!

Hot Topics from the KMC University HelpDesk | July 14, 2022 So many calls to our HelpDesk revolve around questions about these privately managed Medicare plans. Some providers and team members have never even heard of these plans. Cash-based practices are often confused because it’s Medicare but is it really? KMC explains these rules, and… We consider that KMC University members are under our care and protection, which includes keeping them up to date on…

HelpDesk FAQs