CMS Job Aid Chiro Services Fact Sheet

Download Reference Document Medicare publishes helpful documents and alerts to keep providers in the know about important topics. We’ve included the document below that relates specifically to documenting Chiropractic care and medical necessity. This tool relates to the elements of Chiropractic documentation and the rulebook for Medicare policy (The Benefit Policy Manual). CMS Job Aid…

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PART Documentation for Medicare

Download Support Tool For approximately two decades, Chiropractic practice has used PART for objective evaluations of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex. PART can be used in conjunction with the PART Applied to the ROV Objective Documentation webpage or as a stand-alone tool.  It deconstructs PART into its components and gives the doctor a selection of options…

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PART Applied to the ROV Objective Documentation

PART and ROV The PART process, an examination method intended to quantify the presence of a subluxation for Medicare, has been used for over two decades. The application of PART, as noted below, is critical in the initial visit of an episode of care to formulate the basis for medical necessity. However, when documenting the…

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The Purpose and Form of the ROV Objective

Objective ROV The Objective portion of the ROV documentation plays a part in the reasonableness of care and medical necessity. If you consider that the subjective portion of the note offers the patient’s subjective assessment of his/her progress or lack thereof, the objective portion allows the provider to quantify that assessment. Keep the SOAP format…

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Documentation of Objective Findings Daily ROV

If a primary goal of a practice is to help people get better and achieve their functional goals, how can you determine if a patient is improving, regressing, or staying the same? You can’t rely solely on what the patient tells you as some patients unwittingly under report while others over report problems or progress. …

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ROV Subjective Decision-Making Matrix

Download Support Tool Providers have much to consider as they review each established patient’s visit. Following the functional goals described in the treatment plan of the episode to apply best practices for subjective documentation. This includes recording the patient’s subjective assessment. Download and review this helpful Support Tool, meant to provide context and prompting about…

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