KMC University has developed a support tool titled Financial Policy Questionnaire that allows you to answer specific, guided questions about your practice’s policy and procedure on financial policy. Each of these questions match up to fields within the support tool titled Office Financial Policy Template. To begin, download, save and review the questionnaire. Meet with…
Helpful Documentation Tools
Download Reference Documents Sometimes, when reviewing records to be sent, it’s clear that the note(s) were not properly signed and authenticated. In this instance, all is not lost. Even Medicare provides a way to offer Signature Authentication after the fact. If you have not already reviewed the module in this course regarding signatures, please do…
ABN Delivery Requirements
ABN Compliance Whether you are using the ABN form in a mandatory or voluntary fashion, Medicare has set forth specific rules about how it should be delivered to patients. The following details explain Medicare’s requirements that must be implemented by individual physician offices. When appropriate, an ABN should be delivered to beneficiaries and/or their representatives…
Signature Self-Audit Tool
Download Support Tool One of the most effective ways to ensure compliance is to perform periodic self-audits. These important self-checks are even a requirement of an office compliance program. By performing a retrospective review of a sampling of signed visits, you will establish a baseline of your current compliance with the signature guidelines. Download, review…