Download Support Tool Mistakes happen. Unintentional errors that include unsigned notes or notes that are not signed in a timely fashion are inevitable in a busy office. Because signatures are a requirement, once the error is found, it’s critical to correct it, learn from it, re-train, and check again. A Signature Log is a very…
FAQ-Medicare Signature Guidelines
Medicare Signature FAQ’s Q: What is required for a valid signature? A: Services provided or ordered must be authenticated by the ordering practitioner Handwritten or electronic signatures (stamped signatures are not acceptable) Legible Signatures Q: What should I do if I haven’t signed a medical record? A: You cannot add late signatures to medical records (beyond the…
Signature Requirement Errors
Meeting Signature Requirements Like many of the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), National Government Services (NGS) report they have experienced an increasing number of Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) errors due to “signature requirements” not being met. Medical Providers are not signing orders or certification/recertification forms. All types of providers are failing to sign office visit notes. Medicare…