Medicare Coverage is Common Among Chiropractic Patients Medicare coverage is quite different in Chiropractic than in allopathic medicine. Medicare is a federal program, but it’s generally administered by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) in various jurisdictions around the country. The rules and regulations associated with Medicare, its patients, and its providers are specific and must be…
What is Medicare?
Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because Medicare is a national program, it’s the same for every patient. Seamless and simple Medicare reimbursement starts with understanding the options and plans you’re working with. This quick tutorial provides the basics of Medicare Part A and Part B.
What Is Medicare?
Get started with your Medicare education by reviewing this brief, high-level training video on Medicare. Medicare coverage is quite different in Chiropractic than in allopathic medicine and here we cover the most important details of how Medicare works as a payer class in your practice. Then, study the visual of all four parts of the Medicare program.