HIPAA Training Packet

Customized Resources Trainee Directions KMC University has created a packet of resources to supplement staff member’s training and basic understanding of HIPAA. We encourage each trainee to download the packet and review the resources. Each staff member may want to keep a copy of the HIPAA terminology support tool which can serve as a great…

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What is HIPAA? Reference Documents

Download Module Reference Documents The HHS website provides an abundance of resources about HIPAA regulations. We have provided some of the key reference documents for consideration. If you have decided to implement a HIPAA program without assistance from a compliance specialist, you will need to review ALL the resources available at HHS.gov, as you work…

Oops, your level of membership doesn’t include access to these full training courses. Please reach out to the HelpDesk to learn more about accessing these trainings and resources. Click here to learn more.