Medicare Reference Documents-Signature Guidelines

Download Reference Documents Medicare publishes helpful documents and alerts to keep providers in the know about important topics. Included here are several documents that relate specifically to the rules of properly signing the medical record notes of patients.  These tools relate to the elements of signatures, authentication, and attestation, should that be necessary. We’ve also…

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Signature Verification Form

Download Support Tool Mistakes happen. Unintentional errors that include unsigned notes or notes that are not signed in a timely fashion are inevitable in a busy office. Because signatures are a requirement, once the error is found, it’s critical to correct it, learn from it, re-train, and check again. A Signature Log is a very…

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Understanding Signature and Authentication Requirements

One of the most important elements of a complete medical record is the name and signature of the provider of service. Medicare has set the standard for all payers on what is required to confirm the medical record and validate who provided the service. Most other payers follow the same guidelines as Medicare. This training…

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