Why Insurance Verification

Why Insurance Verification This quick tutorial explains why insurance verification is an important piece of the financial report of findings (FROF) with the patient. It contains the top tips to make the verification process simple and effective by reviewing the variety of tools available in the KMC University Library. This image provides a sampling of…

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Billing, Collections, and Settlements – Who Gets the Money?

This tutorial will provide clarity on the financial aspects of Personal Injury. Some practices develop a different fee schedule for Personal Injury cases because of the additional administrative task, that are often required with these cases. This is not a compliant practice. This tutorial will provide direction on best practices when managing Personal Injury cases.

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1st Party vs 3rd Party Claims

Understanding the Difference Between the Two Types of PI Claims You will generally experience two types of personal injury insurance claims with your patients: first-party claims and third-party claims. With a first-party insurance claim, your patient files with their own insurance carrier; for a third-party insurance claim, your patient files against the insurance carrier of…

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State Auto Insurance Coverage Minimums

State Requirements for Insurance Coverage State minimum insurance requirements are the auto insurance requirements, by law, for the residents of each state. The minimum requirements for each state can be found on the State Insurance Commissioner’s website. We have also included them here for easy reference—just scroll to your state to see the current requirements….

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The No Fault System

If you practice in a no-fault state, this information applies to you. Each state must implement either a tort system or a no-fault system. The insurance that is available to your patients is determined by which system your state uses. The many variations of the no-fault system make it difficult to provide accurate information on…

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Practice Decision Matrix

Download Support Tool There are a variety of patient types and each of them must be considered when making a business decision with regards to the practice’s financial set up. If you decide to accept all patient types, you will need to count the cost. This can only be done by properly evaluating what is…

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