Medicare Secondary Payment (MSP) Calculation for Accidents

Medicare is Usually Secondary to Accident Coverage Medicare is always the secondary payer for your Medicare beneficiaries if they are involved in accidents. This could mean auto accidents or any other kind of accident where liability is assigned to another party or on-the-job injuries if the Medicare beneficiaries are still working. Depending on the circumstances,…

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Medicare Secondary Payment/Group Health Plan Worksheet

Utilizing Medicare Payment Tools This form is one of the most helpful tools in the KMC University Library. When Medicare is a secondary payer, it can be confusing to know what fee schedule to use, how much coinsurance to charge, or whether other insurance may pay for items excluded by Medicare. As you’ll see in…

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When Medicare is the Secondary Payer

Although Medicare is usually the primary payer for most beneficiaries, there are times when Medicare takes the second position. Because the federal funds used to pay Medicare claims are so closely monitored, the Coordination of Benefits (COB) department of a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) carefully screens claims to be sure Medicare is paying as they…

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