The Practice Decision Matrix

Download Support Tool There are a variety of patient types and each of them must be considered when making a business decision with regards to the practice’s financial set up. If you decide to accept all patient types, you will need to count the cost. This can only be done by properly evaluating what is…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

The Different Types of Medicare

A Chiropractic Assistant should have a basic understanding of the different PARTS of Medicare. It is not just Part A and Part B. This quick tutorial will help you understand the C and D of Medicare. Refer to the image below to solidify your knowledge of the four parts of Medicare. *NOTE: In the tutorial,…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

Practice Decision Matrix

Download Support Tool There are a variety of patient types and each of them must be considered when making a business decision with regards to the practice’s financial set up. If you decide to accept all patient types, you need to count the cost. This can only be done by properly evaluating what is involved…

Oops, your level of membership doesn’t include access to these full training courses. Please reach out to the HelpDesk to learn more about accessing these trainings and resources. Click here to learn more.

Practice Decision Matrix

Download Support Tool There are a variety of patient types and each of them must be considered when making a business decision with regards to the practice’s financial set up. If you decide to accept all patient types, you will need to count the cost. This can only be done by properly evaluating what is…

Oops, your level of membership doesn’t include access to these full training courses. Please reach out to the HelpDesk to learn more about accessing these trainings and resources. Click here to learn more.

KMCU Financial System-Cash Based vs Insurance

Download Support Tool This image provides an overview of the KMC University Financial System but with a twist. It captures the processes for a for a clinic that is strictly cash-based. Take a closer look to see what cogwheels are missing (faded). Remember each cogwheel represents a procedure with necessary processes for reimbursement. If a…

Oops, your level of membership doesn’t include access to these full training courses. Please reach out to the HelpDesk to learn more about accessing these trainings and resources. Click here to learn more.