What Will You Charge? One of the most important tasks for any provider opening a practice is to decide what to charge. There are many ways to come up with this “actual” fee schedule. One is to set a pre-defined master fee for each service and code offered in the office. This “Charge Master” is…
The Basics of a Clearinghouse
How They Work Management software creates an electronic file (batch) for your claims. These files— also known as 837 files—are uploaded to a clearinghouse through your account. The clearinghouse searches, sorts, and scrubs claims checking them for errors and omissions. Once the claim passes scrutiny, the clearinghouse securely transmits the electronic claim to the specified…
Reference Documents – HIPAA & Patient Access
Download Reference Documents The following documents explain in great detail the Information Blocking rule and HIPAA’s Right of Access. We encourage the clinic to download these documents and make them part of your insurance reference manual. Be sure to use these resources as a guideline when developing your Medical Record Policy. AMA-What Is Information Blocking?…