Ethical Responsibility of a CA

Do the Right Thing

As children, we all learned the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the core basics of ethics. Ethics is all about right and wrong as agreed upon by a society or group. In this Rapid Tutorial, you will learn about the relationship between morals, ethics, and the law. The areas of your practice that are affected by these cornerstones are varied. They include harassment, discrimination, a hostile work environment, sexual boundaries, coercion, and bullying.

Ethical Responsibility of a CA

Do the Right Thing As children, we all learned the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the core basics of ethics. Ethics is all about right and wrong as agreed upon by a society or group. In this Rapid Tutorial, you will learn about the relationship…

Certified Chiropractic Clinical Assistant Training is now available as part of Library Membership! This official training is for those who wish to certify through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB). The KMC University Library is an online resource for chiropractors and their teams that provides access to a vast array of educational materials and resources related to Medicare, documentation, billing, coding, compliance, and the business aspects of running a chiropractic practice. It can help chiropractors and their teams stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and best practices, as well as save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes. Click here to learn more.

AHIMA Standards of Ethical Coding

Reference Document Doctors sometimes claim they “did not know” they were supposed to, or not supposed to, do X or Y, and did not know they breached an ethical rule.  Will this fall on a judge’s deaf ears? This reference document is from the very well recognized AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association).  It contains…

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Documentation and Coding Reference Documents

Download Reference Documents The documents found here are references from the profession that outline standards set for documentation and coding. Download, review and save them, as appropriate for your continued reference. AHIMA Standards of Ethical Coding Sample Medical Review Policy

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