What Will You Charge? One of the most important tasks for any provider opening a practice is to decide what to charge. There are many ways to come up with this “actual” fee schedule. One is to set a pre-defined master fee for each service and code offered in the office. This “Charge Master” is…
The Practice’s Actual Fee Schedule
What Will You Charge? One of the most important tasks for any provider opening a practice is to decide what to charge. There are many ways to come up with this “actual” fee schedule. One is to set a pre-defined master fee for each service and code offered in the office. This “Charge Master” is…
Your Actual Fee-The Cornerstone of Your Proper Fee System
The Actual Fee, or your charge master, is the controlling fee in your system. From this actual fee, all discounts are taken. Often, because of contracted fees and other elective discounts, we forget that the main fee must be based on certain elements, such as demographics and practice costs. This overview outlines the purpose and…