What Is An Office Financial Policy? A financial policy is a formal set of procedures that your practice follows with regard to collecting money. It should be a written statement that is given to all patients and is posted (at least in brief form) at your check-out counter. This policy should be supported by a…
FAQ-Reactive Follow Up
Reactive Follow-Up FAQs Q: HELP! Our billing person won the lottery and quit. Where do we start with all of these unpaid claims? A: Implement the KMC University Follow-Up system if you haven’t already. Sort all papers into appropriate folders labeled Reactive Call or Reactive Action. Reactive call items include payments with incorrect information, skipped…
Reactive Actions
A Critical Part of Your Follow-Up System Whether you are working in a single-CA office or are assigned specifically to the billing and collections department duties in a larger clinic, inbound items that must be addressed can easily overwhelm an office. As with actionable items that require a call, it’s inefficient to start and stop…
Reactive Follow-Up: The How-To
Understanding the reason for reactive follow-up isn’t enough. Full implementation of the KMC University Follow-Up system provides the foundation for simplifying the day-to-day operations of the financial department. Properly executing the nuts and bolts of reactive follow-up can be the difference between timely, paid claims, and frustrating accounts receivable. In this operational training, learn the…
Reactive Calls in the KMC University Follow-Up System
Reactive Calls in the KMC University Follow-Up System “Reactive Calls” refer to the out-bound phone calls that are made in reaction to in-bound correspondence A reactive call file is a holding place for items that are a “reaction” to something else that require discussion to resolve. These can be generated by a variety of different…
Reactive Follow-Up: The Working File of KMC University’s Follow-Up System
The day-to-day work of the financial department of a busy practice always includes follow-up. It would be amazing if every insurance claim and patient bill were paid in a timely fashion. But that’s not reality. As learned in the first module of this course, setting up a system in which to conduct the work of…