Helpful Tools for Verification
Once you have determined the type of coverage and located your state and federal online provider resources, it is time to verify the benefits. Although the state and federal website portals offer great resources when it comes to manuals and forms, they do not provide the information you need to ensure reimbursement for the services rendered.
It can be challenging to think about all the questions you need to ask when verifying coverage for a work-related injury. The support tool in this module will help you gather the information you need when calling about a work injury claim. Check out the Rapid Tutorial titled Utilize the Workers’ Compensation Verification Form which provides a brief overview of the verification form and how to customize it for your clinic. You may want to download the Support Tool titled Workers’ Compensation Verification Form ahead of time and follow along during the tutorial.
This tutorial will provide a nice overview of the difference between state and federal workers’ compensation. It provides the resources a clinic needs to track down state related workers’ compensation resources. It will also cover how chiropractic coverage can be confirmed and authorization for treatment obtained. Since verification is the only way to confirm that…
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Whether a provider of service or a team member working with Medicare billing or verification, you must know how to find your MAC and navigate their website. This short training helps you identify which Medicare jurisdiction your state is in and helps find the way to the tools and resources needed to interact with your…
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