Appeal or Reprocess? That is the Question

Know the Difference Between Appeal or Reprocess If a claim to an insurance carrier is denied, no payment will be sent to the provider. Providers are understandably frustrated with denials and may feel that it is not worth their time to appeal the decision. However, appealing a denied claim allows the provider to resolve an…

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Managing Appeals Effectively and Efficiently

Navigating the choppy waters of the Appeals Process can be confusing and frustrating at best, but with a little research and insight, you can come out on top when challenging a denial. In the first tutorial, we address general claims, the reasons for denials, when an appeal might be appropriate, how to mount the appeal,…

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FAQ-Tickler Systems

Tickler Systems FAQs Q: What is a tickler reminder system? A: A physical or electronic system into which reminders are placed for important follow-up actions. Reminders are filed according to the day that the follow-up should take place. Q: Is it better to use an electronic system or a physical system for reminders? A: This…

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Electronic Tickler Reminder Outlook

Microsoft Outlook Reminders If your practice uses Office 365 or Microsoft Outlook itself, you can use this as your reminder system. There are various options for task reminders in this electronic program; this example illustrates how you can use “tasks” within Outlook for your reminder system. Example 1:  You called an insurance company to check…

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Your Tickler Reminder System

Design Your Tickler Reminder System Tickler and reminder systems are designed to ensure that no single person must remember everything. When follow-up actions or calls are necessary, we can “set it and forget it.” Every call made or action taken in the financial department usually ends with someone placing a reminder in the tickler to…

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Tickler Follow-Up

The third and most important part of the KMC University Follow-Up System is the tickler follow-up/reminder system. Doing excellent work with reactive and proactive follow-up is only the beginning. Making your Billing and Collections Department run smoothly is dependent upon the follow-up, and that keys off of the tickler system. The benefit of the tickler…

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