FAQ-Commercial Health Insurance

Commercial Health Insurance FAQs Q: What is a Managed Care Organization? A: Managed care health plans are ones in which patients have covered benefits with certain doctors and hospitals. Health care providers and medical facilities enter into contracts to provide care for members at reduced costs. These contracted providers make up the plans’ networks. The…

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Carrier and Verification Reference Tool

Download Reference Tool

This helpful tool can provide all the information your clinic needs to locate the websites and stay up to date on Medical Review Policies, Payer Updates, Eligibility checks and verification of benefits. Simply download, customize the fields with all the necessary data and print a hard copy for your front desk and/or billing team.

Carrier and Verification Reference Tool

MRP – What Does it Mean to Me?

Medical Review Policy Matters Make no mistake, the Medical Review Policy (MRP) does matter, and it plays a key role in determining the care that is reimbursable by a payer. The MRP is an administrative and educational tool designed to help providers, physicians, and suppliers submit correct claims for payment. Medical Review Policies outline how…

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Managed Care Madness

Healthcare has evolved over the last few decades into a much more tightly regulated industry. Whether your office participates with insurance carriers or simply bills insurance as a courtesy after the patient has paid, it is important to understand how managed care affects the clinic and your patients. View this Rapid Tutorial titled Managed Care…

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Managing Managed Care

Identifying a Managed Care Patient Healthcare has evolved over the last few decades into a much more tightly regulated industry. Whether your office participates with insurance carriers or simply bills insurance as a courtesy after the patient has paid, it is important to understand how managed care affects you and your patients. Managed care health…

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