Medicare Enrollment-Are You PAR or Non-PAR

Participation status is a choice that providers make, and is a highly personal decision, but it should be noted that all the regulations associated with Medicare apply regardless of status. This at-a-glance image demonstrates how the obligations are slightly different between the two options.

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Alternative Medicare Plans-Railroad and United Mine Workers

Other Medicare Plans Railroad retirees are excluded from traditional Medicare. By statute, Medicare Part A and Part B are part of the retiree’s benefits. United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) retirees are required to enroll with Medicare Part A and B but when it comes to filling for chiropractic related claims, you must file directly…

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Secondary and Supplemental Medicare Coverage

Additional “Gap” Coverage Because traditional Medicare Part B coverage is 80% of the allowed charges, beneficiaries may purchase additional insurance to cover the “gap” or other 20%. Some of these payers also pay for services that Medicare never covers. Sometimes, the beneficiary has this coverage through retirement benefits, and other times they must purchase the…

Medicare Replacement Plans

 Download Infographic To expand on your knowledge of Medicare Part C (Advantage) plans, also known as replacement plans, this resource calls out various facts to be aware of as you develop your Medicare education. Medicare Replacement Plans Note:  If the provider is not enrolled in the patient’s Part C plan, the provider may feel they…

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What is Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans According to, a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan (like an HMO or PPO) is a Medicare health plan that qualified beneficiaries may choose as part of their Medicare package. These plans are very similar to traditional Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Private Fee for Service (PFFS) plans….

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What is Part B Medicare?

The Most Common Form of Medicare Medicare coverage is not as simple as it used to be. Seniors have options to choose from when selecting their coverage. In some cases, the senior may have to use a particular Medicare Coverage. Part B Medicare is the most common, but many seniors are opting for a Managed…

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