Understanding Discount Medical Plans (DMP)

It’s no secret that KMC University loves ChiroHealthUSA…and the safe and legal options it provides for practices that wish to offer discounts to uninsured, underinsured, or partially insured patients. Get to know this great company by watching this short video from our friends at ChiroHealthUSA. Then download, save, and review the Support Tool that illustrates…

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Legal and Safe Discounting Options

Discounting Options for Uninsured, Under-Insured, or Partially Insured Patients The rising cost of healthcare has affected patients while declining reimbursement has impacted providers more now than ever. Some providers have chosen to abandon certain insurance plans and move toward a cash-based practice while keeping the higher paying insurance plans for personal injury. Unfortunately, to accommodate…

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Regulations that Govern Practice Fees

Our friends and partners at ChiroHealthUSA share these quick, informative videos that outline key instructional points about the “why” behind the compliance issues that arise from a broken fee system. The risks that come with improper fee systems are unnecessary exposure when creating and maintaining a compliant fee system. Review these quick tutorials and be…

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Why Worry About Discounting for Cash?

Dual Fee Schedules and TOS Discounts For some people, it’s easier to talk about personal details of their lives than to talk about money. And for health care providers, it’s even harder to talk about what they charge and why. Often, this is because it’s so difficult to explain all the permutations of the fees…

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Regulated Discounts Explained

Download Support Tool This helpful Support Tool provides a visual flow of how regulated fees work within your practice fee system. Once you determine which of your fees are regulated, it’s easier to apply them properly to patient ledgers. Download, save and review this helpful tool, and use it to train team members in the…

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Types of Regulated Fees in Your Fee System

Common Regulated Fee Schedules Healthcare providers often encounter patients who come to the office under a regulated fee schedule. The simple truth is that under most circumstances if you accept the patient, you accept the fee schedule limitations that may apply to that patient. This is a list of the most common types of regulated…

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