Hardship Discounts Explained

Download Support Tool This helpful Support Tool provides visual context of the rules of financial hardship. Download, save and review this helpful tool, and use it to train team members in the financial department who interact with patients and payers. Hardship Discounts Explained

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Compliant Hardship Discounts

There was a time in practice where the Hardship discount was used when someone didn’t have insurance, or the office wanted a way to avoid having to collect copayments and deductibles. Those times are long gone, and compliance rules dictate that discounts are managed differently now. Verified financial hardship is a legitimate reason for a…

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ChiroHealthUSA Reference Tools

Download Reference Documents If you haven’t realized it by now, we love CHUSA, and more reasons to love them are these helpful tools they have supplied for your use. Download, save and review these tools as you implement CHUSA in your practice for legal discounts. The proper use of the Election to Self-Pay form and…

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Get Started with CHUSA

Setting Up a Compliant Discount Fee Schedule Discounting for cash paying patients comes with its own set of concerns. KMC University encourages all clients to join a DMP network like ChiroHealthUSA (CHUSA) rather than worry about whether the various discounts they use are legal. ChiroHealthUSA is a network that works in conjunction with a DMPO…

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More Reasons to Love CHUSA

If you haven’t realized it yet, there are even more great reasons to make CHUSA a part of your fee system. These helpful videos outline three important practice obstacles that may be solved by implementing a CHUSA fee schedule into your system. View each of them and learn how CHUSA may help you resolve these…

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Why CHUSA Should Be a Part of Your Fee System

This tutorial further explains the benefits of using ChiroHealthUSA within your practice’s fee system to provide personalized, legal discounts. Watch it and consider how your current discounting system compares to that which is suggested here and determine whether looking into ChiroHealthUSA as an option makes sense for your practice. As you establish your compliant fee…

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