Professional Courtesy Defined

What is Professional Courtesy? Professional Courtesy refers to the provision of medical care to physician colleagues or their families free of charge or at a reduced rate. The American Medical Association policy guidance to its members states: “While professional courtesy is a long-standing tradition in the healthcare professions, it is not an ethical requirement. Physicians…

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Your Professional Courtesy Fees

Most practices offer some kind of professional courtesy to certain groups. Perhaps team members receive fee chiropractic care, or the doctor’s family members are treated at no cost. Sometimes, group discounts are provided for clergy, or first responders, or fellow physicians. The discounting rules allow for professional courtesy, but when not properly implemented, this is…

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Application for Financial Hardship

Download Support Tool Now that you have selected a form and created a hardship fee schedule, download, save and customize the application for hardship form. This form is meant to be the form patients use to formally request hardship assistance to keep on record. Once they have applied, use your hardship policy form to create…

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The Financial Hardship Form

Now that you understand whether including a financial hardship fee within your fee system makes sense for your practice, it’s time to customize your form and select your sliding scale. First, watch the Rapid Tutorial that outlines the process of choosing your fees and personalizing your master form. Then, according to your practice location, download,…

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Qualifying for Hardship

Guidelines for Qualifying a Patient It is important to have guidelines to follow when you need to qualify a patient for a hardship discount. Below is a brief list that your practice could use to create a Hardship Policy for your office: Notify patients of the availability of a hardship policy in the Office Financial…

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Deductibles-Copay Hardship

Exception to Waiving Copayments and Deductibles One of the most significant inducement violations in health care is the routine waiving of copayments and deductibles. It is such a serious violation that several federal advisory opinions have been written on the subject. Often, providers believe that simply proclaiming a hardship is enough because they truly believe…

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