Verifying Insurance is the Best Practice

Don’t Forget to Verify Insurance Insurance Verification is a simple step that provides a clear picture of who is responsible for what portion of patients’ charges. Collect the patients’ insurance information from the first phone call so that by their first visit, insurance coverage is understood, and patient responsibility can be calculated based on the…

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Why Insurance Verification

Why Insurance Verification This quick tutorial explains why insurance verification is an important piece of the financial report of findings (FROF) with the patient. It contains the top tips to make the verification process simple and effective by reviewing the variety of tools available in the KMC University Library. This image provides a sampling of…

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Intake Paperwork – Organized & Secure

Organizing Intake Paperwork Obtaining patient intake paperwork is half the battle. Making sure that it is organized and properly filed is another challenge. Although our focus is on new patient data, the suggestions throughout this module could apply to reactivated patients, new conditions, and/or accident cases for established patients. Once you have reviewed and confirmed…

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New Patient Folder Compilation

Patient Filing System A great deal of information crosses the front desk during an initial encounter with a patient. It can be challenging to keep track of insurance information, verifications, intake forms, chart notes, treatment plans, and the initial charges. Whether your clinic is paperless (fully electronic) or not, it necessary to have a process…

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Intake Paperwork – Accuracy is Vital

Intake Process Contributes to Practice Success Whether your intake process is fully electronic, fully paper, or a hybrid, it is important that all gathered patient data is confirmed, accurate, and complete before treatment begins. The intake process contains data that impacts the doctor’s examination, treatment plan, financial report of findings, future collections, and liability protection….

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Telephone Etiquette

The Do’s & Don’ts of Telephone Etiquette Proper telephone etiquette is important when receiving or making calls for your clinic. You are ultimately an extension of your clinic; leaving a favorable impression with a caller over the phone is imperative for a positive clinic/patient relationship. DO DON’T Pause before answering the phone; be prepared to…

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