Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Perform Daily Tasks Electronically Electronic Data Interchange is the process of performing daily tasks electronically rather than manually. All the major insurance carriers have a dedicated EDI Department. This department helps you enroll providers, process requests, and ensures all systems run smoothly. There are numerous benefits to using an EDI—for instance, you can send and…

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Getting Started with Electronic Billing

Is Now the Time to Submit Claims Electronically? If your clinic is currently billing only paper claims, it may be time to start submitting your claims electronically. Here are a few steps to follow in order to set up a successful protocol. Select a practice management software vendor A practice benefits greatly from a practice…

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Electronic Claims Billing

The most efficient and speedy way to submit a claim to a payer is through electronic billing. There are several layers of “scrubbing” that take place to help ensure a clean claim is submitted without errors, resulting in faster payment. Not every payer is able to accept electronic billing, but those who can make the…

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1500 Claim Form Reference Documents

Download Reference Documents The National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) oversees the development of standardized data for the 1500 Claim Form. The NUCC works with the AMA (American Medical Association) and the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). The NUCC and CMS both have resources pertaining to the 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form. Download, save…

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FAQ-The 1500 Claim Form

The 1500 Claim Form FAQs Q: How important is Box 10a – 10c on the 1500 Claim Form? Our practice management software currently leaves it blank unless it is related to an auto accident. Even then, it is sometimes difficult to get it to uncheck the box. Does the insurance company even look at this…

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1500 Claim Form Instructions

Download Support Tool Seeing is believing and that starts the learning process. In this very helpful tool, we’ve created a visual map that outlines the most important fields on the 1500 billing form and what should be included. Use it to ensure that your billing software maps the most important information to the proper section…

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