Avoid Write-Off Pitfalls

Exhaust All Attempts Chiropractic is a healing art meant to help people, but they must understand that it is also a business. It relies on payment for services to pay staff, rent, and utilities and to buy equipment and supplies to keep the practice running. For the purpose of this lesson, “write-off” refers only to…

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The Ins & Outs of Balance Write-Offs

Nobody wants to have to write off an amount that should have been collected. There are contractual write offs that come with the territory of participating with insurance. But patient write offs usually mean something went wrong. This Rapid Tutorial kicks off this module with the information you need to separate the good from the…

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Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

 Reference Document This Reference Document is the complete printed text of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) as prepared by the Federal Trade Commission. It’s a great resource if you need more detail about a specific situation. Download, save and review it to be sure your collections processes are on point. Fair Debt Collection…

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Small Claims Court Tips

Does it pay to sue? Here are a few suggestions for chiropractors who plan to sue for a debt in small claims court: Although using small claims court to collect a bad debt often makes sense, there are exceptions. Below are circumstances when it may NOT make sense to use small claims court to sue…

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The Small Claims Court Option

What is Small Claims Court? Many small claims cases involve bad debts. The case is a claim that the defendant (patient) owes the plaintiff (chiropractor) money for goods or services that have been performed but that have not been paid for. The plaintiff wins the vast majority of these cases because the defendant doesn’t show…

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