Tickler Reminders Save the Day

Set Reminders for Your Follow-up Financial department team members must constantly juggle many balls while keeping up with many other duties. It would be unreasonable to expect anyone to remember every task, every follow-up item, or all of the payments that are due. Reminder systems and tickler files come to the rescue. Because these systems…

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Being “Proactive” in the Financial Department

The Proactive Follow-Up System Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every bill you sent to a third-party payer or a patient magically came back paid in full? We know that is a pipe dream we can only wish for. However, the implementation of an effective proactive follow-up system helps to cast a safety net of procedure…

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Being “Reactive” in the Financial Department

The Most Important Work in the Financial Department Dictionaries define the term “reactive” as showing a response to a stimulus or acting in response to a situation rather than creating or controlling it. In terms of the healthcare financial office, reactive calls and actions are the follow-up required after something happens. That “something” could be…

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Insurance Follow Up Procedures: The Big Picture

In an efficient insurance and collections department of an office, there must be robust follow-up to stay on top of accounts receivable. There is no better way to do this than to create a system that can be followed and managed, no matter who is in charge of the department. The KMC University Follow Up…

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FAQ-Payment Posting Basics

Payment Posting Basics FAQs Q: Why doesn’t auto posting catch all denied claims? A: Every billing program is different as is every clearinghouse and insurance company. Auto posting only works if the Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) is formatted so that it can be read by your billing software. Some billing programs allow advanced customization with…

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Line Item Unusual Circumstances

Payer Curveballs Posting payments is generally a very straight-forward function of the financial department. However, sometimes payers can throw you a curve ball and the organized, simple post can become complicated. These are a few of the circumstances that may be confusing in the posting process. Understanding the unusual will help you catch that curve…

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