Medicare Chiropractic Services- Covered vs. Non-Covered

What is a Covered Chiropractic Service? Per the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual for Chiropractic, “Coverage of chiropractic service is specifically limited to treatment using manual manipulation (i.e., use of the hands). Additionally, manual devices (i.e., those that are hand-held with the thrust of the force of the device being controlled manually) may be used by…

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The Role of the ABN Notifier

Are You a Notifier? According to The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a qualified Notifier for delivery of ABNs is a provider, practitioner (including staff), or supplier that furnishes or orders items and/or services. If you have a Medicare number and see Medicare patients: Presto! You’re a Notifier! The following information is taken directly…

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What is the ABN of Non-Coverage?

The Financial Liability Protection The Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) originated from the Financial Liability Protection provisions of the Social Security Act. The Act protects beneficiaries and doctors from unexpected liability for charges associated with claims that Medicare does not pay. The Financial Liability Provisions include: Limitation on Liability Compliance Mandatory Use of the…

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The ABN-Mandatory vs. Voluntary

The Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) can be one of the most confusing and frustrating elements of the Medicare process. There is significant confusion about the what, why, and how of proper ABN usage. Conflicting information and pervasive misinformation have been widespread throughout the profession for years. This short training is the first step in putting…

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Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) Resource

Reference Documents CMS has worked closely with Medicare Administrative Contractors to disperse helpful resources for providers. On this site page  is a very useful reference to the current list of Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) for Part B Medicare. Every provider should start with their MAC.  Download and review this document for all the contact information…

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FAQs-Avoid Medicare Billing Pitfalls

Medicare Billing Mistakes FAQs Q: I heard Medicare allows more visits for longer treatment periods when you use special secondary diagnosis codes. Is this true? A: Medicare has protocols in place that are often based on the severity of the patient’s condition. Although a patient’s condition is reported through diagnosis codes, understanding Medicare’s process for…

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