Documentation Samples

Download Support Tools Third-party payers cover medically necessary care within their definition.  At times, even with our patients’ best efforts, their healing does not progress as outlined in the plan(s). They may require a change in home care, DME, therapy type, CMT technique, or other.  What detail is necessary when the patient suffers an exacerbation…

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Appropriate Contents of Routine Office Visit (ROV) Plan Section, Part 2

Parts of the Plan Continued The Plan section of an ROV note is usually the quickest and easiest to complete; it’s also the most important element for compliance because it determines the coding needed to ensure proper billing. Use this guide to make sure all required elements are included. The following ROV PLAN overview is…

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Appropriate Contents of Routine Office Visit (ROV) Plan Section, Part 1

ROV Plan Overview Routine office visit documentation can be more succinct and direct than that of an initial visit for an episode of care. Examples of this are found in the plan section and the full treatment plan in the corresponding section of an initial visit. At the beginning of an episode of care, the…

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The Mechanics of the Routine Office Visit (ROV) Plan

This Rapid Tutorial compares the Routine Office Visit Plan to an initial treatment plan and demonstrates their differences. The ROV is the execution or application of the initial treatment plan. For example, what did you do with the patient today? We look under the ROV Plan’s hood to see the uniqueness and detail that makes…

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Routine Office Visit (ROV) Assessments in Action

Examples of Assessments for Comparison Daily (A)assessment is a key element that is often missing from ROV documentation. The daily assessment is the provider’s opportunity to provide context to the findings of the visit. What is learned in the Subjective and the Objective portion of the visit is then interpreted and affirmed by the provider…

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Adding Variety to a Routine Office Visit (ROV) Assessment

When a patient is in active treatment, it can be difficult to properly document progress without repetition or using canned language in the software. Watch this brief, informative video on how to translate your clinical thoughts into brief Assessments for each visit. Doctors know how their patients are coming along and what they want to…

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