OATs are Your Friend!

At KMC University, we like to say that OATs are a gift to musculoskeletal providers like Chiropractors. Because of the need to continuously talk “function”, there is no better way to outline their functional deficits than with these helpful tools. This Rapid Tutorial outlines how using OATs as part of the Evaluation and Management service…

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AMA Summary of 2021 E/M Changes

 Reference Document If you would like to dive into additional detail on current E/M coding, you can review the updated AMA’s release of their Office or Other Outpatient (99202-99215) and Prolonged Services (99243, 99244, 99245, 99417) Code and Guideline Changes. It contains definitions used within the CPT code descriptions, full CPT code descriptions, charts, and…

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Prolonged Service Codes

Add-On Prolonged Service Codes Prolonged Services codes are add-on Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes used to indicate the time component has exceeded the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) time codes available. As add-on codes to 99205 and 99215, these codes report E/M coding that is extended time beyond the defined new and established patient codes. The…

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Time-Based E/M Coding Examples

The following examples are meant for illustration and educational purposes only. Actual patient encounter experiences and documentation dictate the selection of the appropriate Evaluation and Management Code using total time from the day of the encounter. Scenario 1-New Patient Patient presented at first visit with inches of paperwork from prior chiropractic care over the last…

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E/M Time Grid

 Support Tool Choosing the correct E/M level according to time gets easier when you have the exact parameters of each level in front of you.  It is also helpful to have a working list of accepted components of an E/M time-based visit. This is a well-presented Time Grid tool to enhance your accuracy and streamlining…

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Coding E/M Appropriately Using Time

The 2021 changes in E/M were proposed and implemented by CPT to make life easier for many in the health care industry. Even so, providers may jump into doing what sounds easier or better, without doing their due diligence of gathering information and implementing a new strategy. The coding of E/M services using time sounds…

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