Outcomes Assessment Reference Documents

Download Reference Documents The following Reference Documents are tools for you to review as you work with this module. First, there are two examples of the OAT output that comes from using the OATs Application in ChiroTouch. This integrated tool is for use with the ChiroTouch software and shows the graphed results that are useful…

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Using OATs to Create Effective Short-Term Goals

Goals are an important, required element of a proper treatment plan at the beginning of an episode of care. Outcome Assessment Tools make the goal-writing process predictable and simple. This mini-class walks providers through the mechanics of goal setting, making it as easy as 1-2-3.

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An Outcomes Assessment Tool for Every Occasion

Most Common OATs Outcomes Assessment Tools (OATs) are a valuable part of a patient’s documentation process. Important information can be learned about how the patient’s pain and loss of function affect their everyday activities. Dozens of tools exist for a variety of conditions. Third party payers that base their definition of medical necessity on evidence-based…

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Outcome Assessment Tool Compliance

OAT Compliance All OATs are copyrighted and owned by someone; they require permission to use. If not properly authorized, the person who violates the copyright could face fines and legal fees as well as myriad other annoyances. Without proper authorization to use the OAT, a third-party payer might prohibit the use of the captured data…

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Using Outcome Assessment Tools in Your Practice

How to Use OATs Outcome Assessment Tools (OATs) are extremely valuable when determining a patient’s current level of disability because the patient gets to subjectively rate his/her pain and loss of function. Completion time and patient skill level should be considered before you decide which tool to use. Some OATs take longer to complete than…

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Be the G.O.A.T. of the OATs

Consider Which OATs are Best for You The number and variety of Outcome Assessment Tools (OATs) available today can make it difficult to decide which one to use. To be the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) you need to select the one that best evaluates each patient’s functional deficits so you can use the results…

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