FWA Training is Usually Required Fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) are terms that healthcare providers hear from third-party payers and government program agencies. Most third-party payers require some form of FWA training on an initial and annual basis for all employees of healthcare businesses. As part of a viable Compliance Program, this training is constantly…
What Does OIG Compliance Mean?
Let’s start at the very beginning! Review this short video to best understand what is intended by OIG Compliance. There is much to consider as practices begin to implement a required OIG Compliance program. This short training allows for a high-level overview of the concept of OIG Compliance, and what it means to your practice.
FAQ-Installing Policy & Procedure
Installing Policy & Procedure FAQs As compliance specialists we receive a variety of questions about policy requirements. In an effort to assist clinics with HIPAA related inquiries, we have provided a list of common questions for consideration. Please take the time to review the questions prior to auditing or developing policies within the clinic. Q:…
Policy- Process- Procedure-The Keys to Compliance
This Rapid Tutorial will focus on two areas that are often overlooked when developing policies in the clinic. Once a clinic has established the rules, they need to take it a step further and create a process for following the rules. Once an overview of the process is established, the clinic will need to develop…
What are the 3 Ps of Compliance?
Policy-Process-Procedure Although policies are a foundational piece of compliance, very few people can clearly describe the differences between policies, processes, and procedures. When it comes to compliance, some practices simply download policies from a website, slap their name on it, and hope for the best. Taking this approach can put your practice at greater risk…
Schedule Your Compliance Activities
Download Module Resources The Support Tool titled Annual Compliance Officer Calendar Template can assist a clinic with making sure key compliance related activities are scheduled. In most cases, if we do not write it down, it will never happen. Before you know it, you will be halfway through the year without any documentation of compliance…