What It Takes to Be a Compliance Officer

The Role of a Compliance Officer The terms Compliance Officer (CO), Privacy Officer (Official), and Security Officer (Official) are terms referred to in the discussion of compliance. One or more workforce members may fill these roles. In a smaller practice, outside people may fulfill the roles while a large hospital might have more than one…

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The Role of the Compliance Officer

Every office should select a Compliance Officer. This  person is the go-to person who will stay up to date on current OIG regulations, HIPAA requirements, and other regulations. It is vital that the clinic assign a person that will make sure these rules are being enforced. Normally, a compliance officer is detailed oriented and willing…

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OIG vs. HIPAA Resources

Download Module Resources Knowing what is required from a small provider when it comes to HIPAA and OIG can be challenging. Being a small provider does not mean that you are exempt from these regulations. The following resources provide a deeper dive into what is required according to HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules as well…

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OIG vs HIPAA Compliance – An Overview

This tutorial will provide a simple overview of each of these regulatory entities. You will be able to compare the differences and similarities as well as identify the enforcement agencies for both. More importantly, you will be able to understand how compliance is considered ‘good business practices.’

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OIG vs. HIPAA – What You Need to Know

Know the Differences Between OIG and HIPAA There is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the differences between an OIG Compliance program and a HIPAA Compliance program. Although every practice has the right to develop its own unique plan to suit its size and services, a clinic cannot choose one over the other. An effective…

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Reference Documents: What is Compliance?

Download Module Resources As you build your compliance program or refresh it, we recommend that you download or access online the reference documents that support this module. Take time to review the instructions and recommendations. This will assist in properly evaluating your current compliance needs. HIPAA Basics for Providers Training Requirements in OSHA Standards PCI…

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