OIG Compliance Program Reference Documents

Download Module Resources These Reference Documents are helpful tools and resources that relate to the mandatory compliance programs necessary in most healthcare offices. First, download, save, and review the original guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services about OIG Compliance Programs. This “mother-document” lays the foundation for all compliance programs and should be…

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What OIG Compliance Means to Healthcare

This Rapid Tutorial training brings to light all the most important components of the OIG Compliance Program and its role in your practice. Everyone on the team should be aware of the required elements of the program. This training will provide the “why” behind the elements of the program.

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Assess Your Current Level of OIG Compliance

Let’s get busy with a self-assessment! Click through this short survey to measure your current level of compliance with the required program. This is not meant to be anything more than a personal appraisal of your status. If you find you need help with bringing your practice into compliance, you’ve come to the right place….

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The 8 Elements of an OIG Compliance Program

Core Components Are Expected in Your Compliance Program The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) made office Compliance Programs mandatory for all physician practices as a condition of enrollment in Medicare, Medicaid, and/or CHIP. These compliance programs must address certain ‘core elements.’ The core elements are derived from the eight elements of…

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Understanding Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA)

FWA Training is Usually Required Fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) are terms that healthcare providers hear from third-party payers and government program agencies. Most third-party payers require some form of FWA training on an initial and annual basis for all employees of healthcare businesses. As part of a viable Compliance Program, this training is constantly…

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What Does OIG Compliance Mean?

Let’s start at the very beginning! Review this short video to best understand what is intended by OIG Compliance. There is much to consider as practices begin to implement a required OIG Compliance program. This short training allows for a high-level overview of the concept of OIG Compliance, and what it means to your practice.

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