Offer a New Patient Pre-Acceptance Interview Offices can offer pre-acceptance interviews to patients at no charge if:1) this is a routine part of your initial visit procedure, 2) it is not advertised publicly, and 3) no evaluation or treatment has been given. Often, this is the best procedure for patients to come in and find…
Compliant Marketing-It is Possible-But Beware!
You may have already heard the rumors or horror stories of providers who got in trouble with both state and federal authorities over their marketing procedures. The result has been an all or nothing approach to marketing. Not knowing the rules and the options has caused many clinics to miss out on opportunities to increase…
Reference Documents – HIPAA & Patient Access
Download Reference Documents The following documents explain in great detail the Information Blocking rule and HIPAA’s Right of Access. We encourage the clinic to download these documents and make them part of your insurance reference manual. Be sure to use these resources as a guideline when developing your Medical Record Policy. AMA What Is Information…
FAQ-Patient Access & Information Blocking Rule
Patient Access & Information Blocking Rule FAQs As these rules are finalized and more information is made available, we will keep adding questions and answers to this portion of the module. Most of these questions are submitted to KMC University’s helpdesk by clinics. Please take a moment to review these for additional information. Q: Is…
HIPAA Record Retention & Disposal
What to Do When Time is Up Many have wondered if the HIPAA Privacy rule requires covered entities to keep patient’s records for a set period of time. The answer according to Health and Human Services (HHS) is “No, the HIPAA Privacy Rule does not include medical record retention requirements.” Rather, State laws generally govern…
An Overview of the ONC Information Blocking Rule
This tutorial will walk you through the HHS hierarchy of regulatory authorities that, although separate, have similar intent. As a result, providers are required to acknowledge both HIPAA and the Office of National Coordinator (ONC) with regards to patient access to their health record. You will learn what steps the inspector general (OIG) takes during…