Good Faith Requirements

What is Required? At this point, most providers just want to know what is required of them regarding the No Surprises Act. As stated at the beginning of this course, we must consider the variety of client situations. Not all are a single provider in a stand-alone clinic. Also, it is clear that many of…

This online training course provides all the tools and training for seamless implementation of the No Surprises Act requirements. If you're a KMC University member, visit your dashboard for immediate access. If not, click here to purchase this individual course.

No Surprises Act- Provider Impact

This tutorial will address several aspects of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 related to the No Surprises Act. After viewing this tutorial, a Doctor of Chiropractic will be better equipped to identify which aspects of the rule apply to their practice.  

This online training course provides all the tools and training for seamless implementation of the No Surprises Act requirements. If you're a KMC University member, visit your dashboard for immediate access. If not, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>click here to purchase this individual course</strong></a>.

Develop A Working Relationship

The Out of Network Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Gone are the days of staying out of network to avoid working with payers. The No Surprises Act rule will impact both the provider-patient relationship as well as the provider-payer relationship. The regulation focuses on removing the patient from the discussion of medical bills by requiring the…

This online training course provides all the tools and training for seamless implementation of the No Surprises Act requirements. If you're a KMC University member, visit your dashboard for immediate access. If not, click here to purchase this individual course.

No Surprises Act-Decision Matrix -Doctors of Chiropractic

Download Support Tool This decision matrix will assist a clinic in identifying if the balance billing protection rules apply to the Doctor of Chiropractic. Remember, this is just one portion of the rule. The first step is to see if the balance billing portion of the rule applies to your clinic. No Surprises Act Decision…

This online training course provides all the tools and training for seamless implementation of the No Surprises Act requirements. If you're a KMC University member, visit your dashboard for immediate access. If not, click here to purchase this individual course.

The No Surprises Act

This quick tutorial provides a closer look at the conditions that created the need for government regulations surrounding balance billing. You will see how consumer empowerment has impacted providers nationwide. Each rapid tutorial in this course will assist in making sense of what does and does not apply to Doctors of Chiropractic. This first tutorial…

This online training course provides all the tools and training for seamless implementation of the No Surprises Act requirements. If you're a KMC University member, visit your dashboard for immediate access. If not, click here to purchase this individual course.