Are You Honoring Your Patient’s Rights?

NPP & Patient Rights Most clinics have a document hanging on the wall titled Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) or Notice of Patient Privacy Practices. Compliant clinics will also have a process to obtain written acknowledgment from their patients stating that the patient had an opportunity to view the Notice of Privacy Practices, and that…

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FAQ-Initial HIPAA Training

Initial HIPAA Training FAQs We have gathered some common questions submitted by providers to the KMC University help desk on how long, how often, and what to include in HIPAA training. Please take a moment to review these for additional information on matters not addressed in this module. Q: What types of organizations must provide…

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HIPAA Training Packet

Customized Resources KMC University has created a training packet to accompany the HIPAA initial training. The packet also includes an introduction letter for the workforce member. The compliance officer should customize the Introduction to HIPAA Training Letter prior to assigning the training to the workforce member. Customization should include the practice information, the compliance team…

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HIPAA Training for Workforce Members

This tutorial will provide your staff an overview of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule along with practical application of certain aspects of HIPAA. It is not intended to make HIPAA experts out of your staff. The focus is on identifying protected health information and acknowledging patient rights listed in the Notice of Privacy Practices….

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HIPAA Training Requirements

What Should It Include? HIPAA requires that both covered entities and business associates provide HIPAA training to all workforce members that handle Protected Health Information (PHI). Even small offices need to train personnel on HIPAA. Both doctors and team members need to be trained if they work with PHI. The guidelines don’t specify a minimum…

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FAQ-HIPAA Risk Assessment & Management

HIPAA Risk Assessment & Management FAQs A clinic may wonder what they must do to keep their HIPAA program alive. In this FAQ you will see some of the questions submitted to our helpdesk. Use the information to evaluate your current risk assessment process. Q: We have a small clinic with only one computer. Do…

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