Presenting a Post-Lecture Offer for New Patients

Health-focused workshops are a great way to increase awareness about chiropractic and help others learn about a doctor and a clinic. If your clinic decides that a healthy lifestyle workshop or other public discourse is a good fit for your marketing approach, the dialogue below could add to your success. Audio Learners Audio learners need…

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Offer a Screening Service

What is a screening? The definition of a screening, courtesy of our friends at Broadcast Wellness- Screening Experts is a process of surveying and evaluating an individual to detect distinct warning signs or symptoms of specific, non-optimum, physical conditions. The results of these actions are: Early detection and intervention allow recommended treatment to be most…

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Offer a New Patient Pre-Acceptance Interview

Offer a New Patient Pre-Acceptance Interview Offices can offer pre-acceptance interviews to patients at no charge if:1) this is a routine part of your initial visit procedure, 2) it is not advertised publicly, and 3) no evaluation or treatment has been given. Often, this is the best procedure for patients to come in and find…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

Compliant Marketing-It is Possible-But Beware!

You may have already heard the rumors or horror stories of providers who got in trouble with both state and federal authorities over their marketing procedures. The result has been an all or nothing approach to marketing. Not knowing the rules and the options has caused many clinics to miss out on opportunities to increase…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

OIG Provider Self-Disclosure

Download Module Resources Download, save, and review this Reference Document that outlines the protocol required should the practice find that disclosing overpayments or other compliance issues is necessary. This guidance is directly from the Office of Inspector General and lays a strong foundation for a practice’s actions when self-reporting is required. OIG Provider Self-Disclosure

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

Staying Up-to-Date on Compliance-Related Activities

Stay In-The-Know About Compliance A Compliance Officer’s (CO) job is to stay up to date with the healthcare regulations that pertain to his/her practice policies and procedures. Doctors and Compliance Officers should take advantage of any available help to assist them with this task. Here are some helpful resources to ensure that you keep your…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!