What is HIPAA? Reference Documents

Download Module Reference Documents The HHS website provides an abundance of resources about HIPAA regulations. We have provided some of the key reference documents for consideration. If you have decided to implement a HIPAA program without assistance from a compliance specialist, you will need to review ALL the resources available at HHS.gov, as you work…

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HIPAA – Am I Required to Comply?

HIPAA Obligations It is amazing how often we hear providers say that they are an all-cash practice and therefore do not need to implement a HIPAA compliance program. The question is so prominent that the HHS and CMS created an online resource titled Covered Entity Guidance In the provider section of this guidance tool the…

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The Basics of HIPAA

Does HIPPA have you feeling overwhelmed? Do you often question the rules and regulations you need to follow in order to be HIPPA compliant? This rapid tutorial is going to help you navigate the waters that is HIPPA and how to be compliant.

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What is HIPAA?

The History of HIPAA As healthcare systems evolved with technology advancements, the threat to patient privacy increased. Congress recognized a need to “improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system” and therefore created the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The main focus was to standardize the electronic exchange of…

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Reference Documents- Compliant Marketing

Download Reference Documents We have collected several references that address the rules and regulations surrounding compliant marketing. Be sure to download a copy for your compliance manual. You will want to give this serious consideration prior to creating policy and procedures for the clinics marketing strategy. HHS Revisions to the Safe Harbors Under the Anti-Kickback…

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Chiropractic Marketing Funnel and Lifetime Patient Loop

Download Support Tool This support tool will assist the clinic in  understanding  the cycle of bringing a new patient to your door. Take a moment to review the clinics current marketing strategy and analyze how your marketing flow compares. Make improvements where necessary. Marketing Flowchart

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