Practice Decision Matrix

Download Support Tool There are a variety of patient types and each of them must be considered when making a business decision with regards to the practice’s financial set up. If you decide to accept all patient types, you need to count the cost. This can only be done by properly evaluating what is involved…

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Discounting for Federal Patients

The Patient Solicitation Anti-Inducement Provision The Patient Solicitation Anti-Inducement Provision Section 1128A of the Social Security Act, enacted as part of the Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA), provides for the imposition of civil monetary penalties against any person who offers or transfers to a Medicare or Medicaid beneficiary any remuneration that the person knows or…

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Time of Service and Bookkeeping Discounts

Many practices that employ a “time of service” discount are doing it incorrectly. The definition of time of service, as well as what “bookkeeping savings” means have been distorted over the years. It’s not uncommon for a practice to offer some savings off their actual fees for uninsured patients. However, taken out of context, or…

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Dangers of Improper Discounting

Protect Yourself From Discounting Violations Discounting for cash paying patients has been going on ever since insurance coverage for chiropractic care began. Many providers feel that “everyone does it” so, therefore, it must be OK. However, there is a myriad of regulations that apply to healthcare financial matters and running afoul of these rules can…

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Foundational Fee Schedule Fundamentals

Fee Schedule Essentials It is important to have a basic understanding of the different components of the collection process. One of the most common is the doctor’s fee schedule. Unfortunately, this is not simply a dollar amount listed on a piece of paper. Although clinics may have set fee schedules, there are many other moving…

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Regulations that Govern Practice Fees

Our friends and partners at ChiroHealthUSA share these quick, informative videos that outline key instructional points about the “why” behind the compliance issues that arise from a broken fee system. The risks that come with improper fee systems are unnecessary exposure when creating and maintaining a compliant fee system. Review these quick tutorials and be…

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