Creating a Checklist

Charge Entry Checklist A charge entry checklist can assist your staff in capturing all the necessary data and in turn increase revenue in the clinic. Before you enter charges, KMC University strongly recommends that you take full advantage of all the training modules and guides provided by your practice management software. This is the only…

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Mapping Your Charges

Sometimes a clinic will receive a notice from a payer requesting specific data to be placed in a line item of the claim form. If ignored, the claim would be denied. This requires the clinic to figure out where that data is entered in the software so that it can populate correctly on the form….

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

Mapping Charge Entry Data

Ensuring Charge Entry is Successful Are you struggling with a long list of rejected claims, incorrect statements, and piles of paperwork that need to be entered? Before you blame the software, take a closer look at you and your staff. Have you taken the time to learn about your practice management software and all the…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

FAQ-Charge Entry

Charge Entry FAQs Q: If you have a 100% cash practice, are you legally bound to give superbills or copies of routing slips to patients? I do have an agreement with ChiroHealthUSA, but it’s my understanding that patients can still request superbills to submit on their own. Is that correct? A: Patients can request copies…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

Routing Slip Instructions

The KMC University routing slip is a very useful tool. It ensures accurate charge entry for all procedures performed in an office. It contains the most common procedures used in a chiropractic office in an easy to check format. The routing slip is a critical part of your compliance program because it allows you to…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!

Capturing Charges

From Treatment to Billing Whether your financial system is completely electronic or a mix of paper and electronic, your financial health relies on a line of communication from front desk, to treatment, to billing. Even if you are a single provider office, you could be overlooking a step that is killing your bottom line. Although…

This content is reserved for our student Chiropractors in training!