Paper Claims Billing

Not all payers accept electronic billing. Especially those Personal Injury or Worker’s Compensation payers. The process for billing is not different from electronic, other than all the “scrubbing” must be done by a human, not a machine.  Understanding the process of sending paper claims correctly and efficiently will be a boom to your cash flow….

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FAQ-Electronic Billing

Electronic Billing FAQs Q: Up to now our practice was cash only, but now we are credentialing with payers and we are ready to enter the world of electronic billing. Where should we start? A: Generally, a practice benefits greatly from a practice management software program. There are many different programs available, and they offer…

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Electronic Secondary Billing

Submitting Secondary Claims and Attachments Electronically Clinics can realize many benefits due to the advancement of automation in the health care industry. One such benefit is the ability to submit secondary claims and attachments electronically. Almost all payers can receive secondary claims and attachments electronically for pended claims. Because electronic secondary claims billing is a…

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The Basics of a Clearinghouse

How They Work Management software creates an electronic file (batch) for your claims. These files— also known as 837 files—are uploaded to a clearinghouse through your account. The clearinghouse searches, sorts, and scrubs claims checking them for errors and omissions. Once the claim passes scrutiny, the clearinghouse securely transmits the electronic claim to the specified…

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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Perform Daily Tasks Electronically Electronic Data Interchange is the process of performing daily tasks electronically rather than manually. All the major insurance carriers have a dedicated EDI Department. This department helps you enroll providers, process requests, and ensures all systems run smoothly. There are numerous benefits to using an EDI—for instance, you can send and…

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Getting Started with Electronic Billing

Is Now the Time to Submit Claims Electronically? If your clinic is currently billing only paper claims, it may be time to start submitting your claims electronically. Here are a few steps to follow in order to set up a successful protocol. Select a practice management software vendor A practice benefits greatly from a practice…

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